Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blog 7: Individual Component 1 Approval

1. What I plan to do for my 30 hours is design one or two dresses and go through the process of what I've been learning during my mentorship on my own. I'm going to watch "how to" videos on sewing, designing, and cutting to be able to create these dresses to the best of my abilities at home. 
For example: 
-Inspiration for design 
-selecting fabric/material 
-mathematically figuring out how to do measurements to my personal fitting and use them to create the perfect dress. 
-cutting the set pieces 
-sewing together the pieces 
-making adjustments if needed. 
2. To show evidence of the completion I will be making a log for myself as well as photographing my process. 
3. I feel that this will help me out everything I've learned to test from my mentorship and quite possible help me come up with a definite essential question. 

End of September

Today I finished my mentorship. It was a great experience with a lot of sweet amazing people. Swat fame is full of talented people with a great sense of humor they have taught me the ropes of fashion design and everything that happens behind the scenes. I Aleppo was taught how to storm,  cut,  and sew styles together. I will never forget the experience I had here and the connection I shared with the people here; hopefully I'm able to come back fort my second individual component. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Blog 6: second interview

1. Paula 
- How did you first discover SwatFame?
- What year did you start working at SwatFame?
- Were you offered any other jobs aside from this position, if so why did you choose this one?
- What do you believe the company can improve on and what do they do really well? 
- Would you leave this company if you had the chance, why? 
- Describe what you're responsible of doing at work on a regular day. 
- Where did you go to school to become a designer? 
- How well did you do in that class? 
- How many total years of schooling did you complete to get you to the job position you have now? 
- Did you start at this position or did you have to work your way up?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog 5: Mentorship Reflection

Finding my mentorship was fairly easy, it was convincing the industry to allow me to get in that was a little more difficult. My mom already works at the fashion industry where I am doing my hours so she talked to her bosses for me. They weren't sure if it was to a good idea to allow someone as young as I to volunteer there but in the end they decided to allow me to in a different department as my mom as long as I have them a letter from my school to prove I need those hours. 

The most important article I've researched so fat would be "6 managing styles and when best to use them" by leaders in heels because it was interesting to know that there are different ways to managing and it answered my working essential question directly.