Friday, April 24, 2015

Blog 19: Independent Component 2

“I, Natalie Byrne, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
 I did more mentorship hours under my mentor Paula M. and Andreina V.
They had me help them fill out paper work and file it where it belonged. They also asked me to talk to the people around the office such as the designer, the cutter, the sewer, and the labeler. I was also asked to look for fabrics and help the designers put together their garments.    
My mentorship helped me develop my social skills and helped me understand the process of the fashion industry. It helped me find my answer two and have backup evidence for it. Also, this experiences allowed me to ask more questions to experts to help explain and understand my topic in ways I never imagined I could.    
My Independent component two helped develop my second answer because as I walked around the office I realized how much culture there was. Everyone who worked there had a different background and a different reason as to why they chose the job that they had. It led me to research how the fashion industry can influence our culture and I was at awe with what i found. 

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