Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Blog 21: Exit Interview

(1) In what way does the fashion industry most influence society?
- By establishing a perfect image
- By creating a culture that society emotionally invests in
- Economically
!best answer!- By establishing a perfect image because most of society tries so hard to follow it and they become so invested that they go through eating disorders and depression, some even get into drugs. This doesn't only affect the individual but also his or hers family members and friends. By influencing even one person the fashion industry can manage to influence a whole community.
(2) To arrive to my answer I talked to my mentor about what she thought was most important after explaining to her my essential question and all of my answers in great detail like I would an exit interview. I also sat down and wrote down a list of all the affects my answers have on society and my first answer came up with the longest list. The last process that i went through to choose this answer was that there was way more research on this topic than the others.
(3) The only problem that I faced while researching my senior project was to find different reliable sources for my third answer. I resolved this by talking to the financial advisers at SwatFame to talk about different sources they might be aware of so i can look up.
(4) Imran Amed and National Institution of Mental Health because they provided actual and experiments to prove what they were saying. They also helped me find some other useful sources.

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